Your brain is a powerful machine running a marathon a minute with all its advanced calculations and processes, but it is essential for your mental health and vitality to find a moment of silence every day to rest, relax, and be present.
The benefits of meditation in your life are invaluable, reducing stress, helping to problem solve, enabling you to be more focused throughout the day, and sleeping better at night. Visualization meditation is an important style of meditation allow you to focus on a particular desire or outcome; giving room to the universe to be creative in how those desired results are manifested in your life.
They say the universe can be far more creative than we can so, it is best to get out of its way and let it take us down the path we want; but we must be clear as to what we wish to manifest in our life. Meditating each day with a focused attention on our dreams can help to propel us to meet that dream in our future. Creating the right vibration and feeling by using the Law of Attraction to guide that wish to our door.
Sometimes we focus on the ‘why’s’ and ‘how’s’ too much rather than the desire and the joy we will feel at having it. Meditation reminds us to be still and let life flow to us, rather than, attempting to travel in the direction we ‘believe’ is right. The universe is full of abundance all we have to do is say yes to what we want, believe in the possibilities and the Law of Attraction, through the art of visual and manifestation meditation, will grant us our wish.
Take a deep breath, find a calm environment where you can be still, and clear your mind. Focus on your deepest desire, and don’t be afraid to dream big, then prepare yourself to take a journey with the magic of the Law of Attraction through this beautifully designed musical meditation.